11-13 October 2021 in Libreville (Gabon), Hybrid Conference,
Party Branding in Africa – Political Imaginaries and Electoral Choice
Conveners: Dr. Anja Osei, Political Science, University of Konstanz, Germany; Dr. George Bob-Milliar, History/Political Science, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana; Dr. Christian Wali Wali, Geography, University Omar Bongo, Libreville, Gabon. In collaboration with CERGEP at the University Omar Bongo (Libreville) and Point Sud (Bamako).
1-5 March 2022 in Stellenbosch (South Africa), Hybrid Conference,
Situating the African Genome
Conveners: Dr. Henri Michel Yéré, Sociology, University of Basel, Switzerland; Dr. Mavis Machirori, Policy Ethics, Ada Lovelace Institute, London, UK; Dr. Lauren Paremoer, Political Science, University of Cape Town, South Africa; Prof. Katharina Schramm, Anthropology, University of Bayreuth, Germany. In collaboration with STIAS (Stellenbosch), and Point Sud (Bamako).
21-26 March 2022 in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Hybrid Conference,
Politics and Armed Conflict in Africa: Bringing the Peasantry Back to the Center of the Debate
Conveners: Dr. Mahamadou Bassirou Tangara, Development Economy, University of Social Sciences and Management of Bamako, Mali; Prof. Baz Lecocq, African History, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany; Dr. Aymar Nyenyezi Bisoka, Political Science, University of Mons, Belgium ; Dr. Zakaria Soré, Sociology, University Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; Dr. Lamine Savané, Political Science, University of Segou, Mali; Dr. Gillian Mathys, History, University of Gent, Belgium. In collaboration with the University Joseph Ki-Zerbo (Ouagadougou) and Point Sud (Bamako).
14-17 December 2022 in Accra, Ghana, Hybrid Conference
Reframing Youth Politics and Citizenship in the Era of COVID-19 in Africa
Conveners: Prof. Akosua Adomako Ampofo, Sociology/Gender Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana; Prof. Dzodzi Tsikata, Sociology/Gender Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana; Dr. Peggy Piesche, Literature/Cultural Studies, Federal Agency for Civil Education (bpb), Berlin, Germany; Prof. Alcinda Honwana, Anthropology, New York. In collaboration with the Institute for African Studies at the University of Ghana, (Legon) and Point Sud (Bamako).
14-18 February 2023 in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Hybrid Conference
Afrotopia(s) – Emerging Futures in Arts, Politics and Religion
Conveners: Dr. Magnus Echtler, Anthropology, University of Leipzig, Germany; Prof. Antje Daniel, Sociology, University of Vienna, Austria; Dr. Melina C. Kalfelis, Anthropology, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Germany; Dr. Samuel Ndogo, African Literature/Performing Arts, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya; Dr. F. Emilie G. Sanon-Ouattara, Anglophone Studies/Translation, Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. In collaboration with the INSS-CRNST (Ouagadougou) and Point Sud (Bamako).