Programme 2022

7-11 March 2023 in Stellenbosch (South Africa),
Conveners: Prof. Claudia Jahnel, Intercultural Theology and Corporeality, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany; Prof. Traugott Jaehnichen, Christian Social Doctrine, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany; Prof. Penine Uwimbabazi, Policy Analysis and Conflict Transformation, Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS), Rwanda; Prof. Ernst Conradie, Religion and Theology, University of the Western Cape, South Africa; Prof. Simangaliso Kumalo, Theology and Ethics, University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. In collaboration with STIAS (Stellenbosch) and Point Sud (Bamako).

15-18 March 2023 in Accra/Cape Coast (Ghana),
Speaking Back to Theory: Africanist Migration Research Beyond the Categories. Symposium on African Migration, Mobility and Displacement
Conveners: Dr. Franzisca Zanker, Political Science, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute, Freiburg, Germany; Dr. Jesper Bjarnesen, Anthropology, The Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Sweden; Dr. Leander Kandilige, Migration Studies, Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana; Dr. Mary Setrana, Migration Studies, Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana; Dr. Samuel Agblorti, University of Cape Coast, Ghana; Dr. Laura Lambert, Anthropologie, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute, Freiburg, Germany. In collaboration with the Centre for Migration Studies at the University of Ghana, University of Cape Coast and Point Sud (Bamako).

19-26 July 2023 in Libreville/Lambaréné (Gabon),
Contemporary Issues in Mental Health in Africa: Needs, Demands, Responses
Conveners: Prof. Martina Drescher, Romance and General Linguistics, University of Bayreuth, Germany; Dr. Gabriela Patino-Lakatos, Education, University Paris 13 and Sorbonne University, France; Dr. Parfait D. Akana, Anthropology, University of Yaoundé II-Soa, Cameroon; Prof. Augustin Emane, Law, University of Nantes, France; Dr. Reine D. Koumou, Medicine/Psychiatry, Centre Nationale de Santé Mentale de Libreville and the Faculty of Medicine of Libreville, Gabon. In collaboration with Omar Bongo University (Libreville), Albert Schweitzer Hospital, (Lambaréné) and Point Sud (Bamako).

27 September-1 October 2022 in Accra, Ghana, Hybrid Conference
New Approaches to Mobility, Transport and Infrastructure in Africa
Conveners: Prof. Baz Lecocq, African History, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany; Dr. Robert Heinze, Modern and Contemporary History, University of Trier, Germany; Prof. Samuel Aniegye Ntewusu, African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana; Prof. Miriam Maranga-Musonye, Literature, University of Nairobi, Kenya. In collaboration with the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana (Legon/Accra) and Point Sud (Bamako).

3-7 October 2022 in Winneba (Ghana),
Digital Data Literacy Empowerment: Competence Models for Digital Data Literacy in Africa and Digital Repositories as Open Educational Resources
Conveners: Prof. Henning Schreiber, African Language Studies, Asia-Africa Institute, University of Hamburg, Germany; Dr. Katrin Pfeiffer, Linguistics, Asia-Africa Institute, University of Hamburg, Germany; Prof. Telse Iwers, Education Sciences: Educational Psychology Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Education, University of Hamburg, Germany; Hassoum Ceesay, African History, Director General of the National Centre for Arts and Culture (NCAC), The Gambia; Prof. Dandy George Dampson, Education Sciences, University of Education in Winneba, Ghana. In collaboration with the University of Winneba and Point Sud (Bamako).

7-11 November 2022 in Accra (Ghana), Hybrid Conference
From Archival Pasts Towards Archival Futures: Epistemologies, Decolonization and (Dis-)Placement
Conveners: Jun.-Prof. Katharina Stornig, Cultural History, International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), University Justus Liebig Gießen, Germany; Prof. Bettina Severin-Barboutie, Modern and Contemporary History, University Justus Liebig Gießen, Germany; Dr. Samuël Coghe, Global History, Free University Berlin, Germany; Riley Linebaugh, PhD Student, Contemporary History, Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) Mainz, Germany; Dr. Edwina Dei Ashie-Nikoi, Archival Studies, Department of Information Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana. In collaboration with the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana (Legon/Accra) and Point Sud (Bamako).

6-11 February 2023 in Accra (Ghana), Hybrid Conference
The Postcolonial Technological Archive: Cross-Disciplinary Exchanges on Data, Health and Environment in Africa
Conveners: Dr. Siri Lamoureaux, Sociology/Anthropology, University of Siegen, Germany; Dr. Meredith Root-Bernstein, Ecology, CNRS, France; Dr. Vera Ehrenstein, STS, University College London, UK; Prof. Kwasi Appeaning Addo, Environmental Science, Institute of Environment and Sanitation Studies, University of Ghana. In collaboration with the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana (Legon/Accra) and Point Sud (Bamako).

Programme 2022

7-11 Mars 2023 à Stellenbosch (Afrique du Sud),
Organisatrices/Organisateurs: Prof. Claudia Jahnel, théologie interculturelle et corporéité, Université de la Ruhr Bochum, Allemagne; Prof. Traugott Jaehnichen, doctrine sociale chrétienne, Université de la Ruhr Bochum, Allemagne; Prof. Penine Uwimbabazi, analyse politique et transformation des conflits, Institut protestant des arts et des sciences sociales (PIASS), Rwanda; Prof. Ernst Conradie, religion et théologie, Université de Western Cape, Afrique du Sud; Prof. Simangaliso Kumalo, théologie et éthique, Université de KwaZulu Natal, Afrique du Sud. En collaboration avec STIAS (Stellenbosch) et Point Sud (Bamako).

15-18 Mars 2023 à Accra/Cape Coast (Ghana),
Retour à la théorie : la recherche africaniste sur les migrations au-delà des catégories, Symposium sur les migrations, la mobilité et les déplacements africains
Organisatrices/Organisateurs: Dr. Franzisca Zanker, sciences politiques, Institut Arnold Bergstraesser, Fribourg, Allemagne; Dr. Jesper Bjarnesen, anthropologie, Institut nordique d’Afrique, Uppsala, Suède; Dr. Leander Kandilige, études sur la migration, Centre d’études sur la migration, Université du Ghana; Dr. Mary Setrana, études sur la migration, Centre d’études sur la migration, Université du Ghana, Dr. Samuel Agblorti, Université Cape Coast; Dr. Laura Lambert, anthropologie, Institut Arnold Bergstraesser, Fribourg, Allemagne. En collaboration avec le Centre d’études sur les migrations de l’Université du Ghana (Legon/Accra), l’Université Cape Coast et Point Sud (Bamako).

19-26 Juillet 2023 à Libreville/Lambaréné (Gabon),
Enjeux contemporains de la santé mentale en Afrique: besoins, demandes, réponses
Organisatrices/Organisateurs : Prof. Martina Drescher, linguistique romane et générale, Université de Bayreuth, Allemagne; Dr. Gabriela Patino-Lakatos, éducation, Université Paris 13 et Sorbonne Université, France; Dr. Parfait D. Akana, anthropologie, Université de Yaoundé II-Soa, Cameroun; Prof. Augustin Emane, droit, Université de Nantes, France; Dr. Reine D. Koumou, médicine/psychiatrie, Centre Nationale de Santé Mentale de Libreville et la Faculté de médecine de Libreville, Gabon. En collaboration avec l’Université Omar Bongo (Libreville), Hôpital Albert Schweitzer, (Lambaréné) et Point Sud (Bamako).


27 Septembre-1 Octobre 2022 à Accra (Ghana),
Nouvelles approches de la mobilité, du transport et des infrastructures en Afrique
Organisatrices/Organisateurs: Prof. Baz Lecocq, histoire de l’Afrique, Université Humboldt de Berlin, Allemagne; Dr. Robert Heinze, histoire moderne et contemporaine, Université de Trèves, Allemagne; Prof. Samuel Aniegye Ntewusu, études africaines, Université du Ghana, Legon, Ghana; Prof. Miriam Maranga-Musonye, littérature, Université de Nairobi, Kenya. En collaboration avec l’Institut d’études africaines de l’Université du Ghana (Legon/Accra) et Point Sud (Bamako).

3-7 Octobre 2022 à Winneba (Ghana),
L’autonomisation de la culture des données numériques : Modèles de compétences pour la littératie des données numériques en Afrique et les dépôts numériques comme ressources éducatives ouvertes
Organisatrices/Organisateurs: Prof. Henning Schreiber, études des langues africaines, Institut Asie-Afrique, Université de Hambourg, Allemagne; Dr. Katrin Pfeiffer, linguistique, Institut Asie-Afrique, Université de Hambourg, Allemagne; Prof. Telse Iwers, sciences de l’éducation, Université de Hambourg, Allemagne; Hassoum Ceesay, histoire africaine, directeur général du National Centre for Arts and Culture (NCAC), Gambie; Prof. Dandy George Dampson, sciences de l’éducation, Université d’éducation de Winneba, Ghana. En collaboration avec l’Université de Winneba et Point Sud (Bamako).

9-12 Novembre 2022 à Accra (Ghana),
Du passé archivistique vers l’avenir archivistique : Épistémologies, décolonisation et (dé)placement
Organisatrices/Organisateurs: Prof. Katharina Stornig, histoire culturelle, Centre international d’études supérieures de la culture (GCSC), Université Justus Liebig Giessen, Allemagne; Prof. Dr. Bettina Severin-Barboutie, histoire moderne et contemporaine, Université Justus Liebig Giessen, Allemagne; Dr. Samuël Coghe, histoire globale, Université libre de Berlin, Allemagne; Riley Linebaugh, doctorant, histoire contemporaine, Institut Leibniz d’histoire européenne (IEG) Mayence, Allemagne; Dr. Edwina Dei Ashie-Nikoi, études archivistiques, Département des études de l’information, Université du Ghana, Legon, Ghana. En collaboration avec l’Institut d’études africaines de l’Université du Ghana (Legon/Accra) et Point Sud (Bamako).

6-11 Février 2023 à Accra (Ghana),
L’archive technologique postcoloniale : Échanges transdisciplinaires sur les données, la santé et l’environnement en Afrique
Organisatrices/Organisateurs: Dr. Siri Lamoureaux, sociologie/anthropologie, Université de Siegen, Allemagne; Dr. Meredith Root-Bernstein, écologie, CNRS, France; Dr Vera Ehrenstein, STS, University College London, Royaume-Uni; Prof. Kwasi Appeaning Addo, sciences de l’environnement, Institut d’études sur l’environnement et l’assainissement, Université du Ghana. En collaboration avec l’Institut d’études africaines de l’Université du Ghana (Legon/Accra) et Point Sud (Bamako).

Programme 2021

8-12 May 2023 in Maputo (Mozambique),
Rethinking Popular (In)Justice in Africa through Social Networks. Dynamics of an Illegal Punitive Practice
Conveners: Prof. Martina Drescher, Romance and General Linguistics, University of Bayreuth, Germany; Prof. Carlos Arnaldo, Demography, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique; Dr. Carlos Fernandes, History, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique; Dr. Fabert Mensah Ngoma, Anthropology, Omar Bongo University, Gabon Dr. Fabert Mensah Ngoma, Anthropology, University of Omar Bongo, Gabon; Dr. Yves Romuald Dissy-Dissy, Modern Literature, University of Omar Bongo, Gabon; Dr. Jeannette Yolande Mbondzi, Linguistics, CRELL, University of Omar Bongo, Gabon; Prof. Augustin Emane, Law, University of Nantes, France; Prof. Elisio Macamo, Sociology, University of Basel, Switzerland In collaboration with the CEA (Maputo) and Point Sud (Bamako).

6-10 June 2023 in Accra (Ghana),
Religious Infrastructures: From Africa and Beyond
Conveners: Dr. Yanti Martina Hoelzchen, Anthropology, University of Tuebingen, Germany; Dr. Benjamin Kirby, African Studies/Religious Studies, University of Bayreuth, Germany; Dr. Genevieve Nrenzah, Religion and Philosophy, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana. In collaboration with the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana (Accra) and Point Sud (Bamako).

11-13 October 2021 in Libreville (Gabon), Hybrid Conference,
Party Branding in Africa – Political Imaginaries and Electoral Choice
Conveners: Dr. Anja Osei, Political Science, University of Konstanz, Germany; Dr. George Bob-Milliar, History/Political Science, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana; Dr. Christian Wali Wali, Geography, University Omar Bongo, Libreville, Gabon. In collaboration with CERGEP at the University Omar Bongo (Libreville) and Point Sud (Bamako).

1-5 March 2022 in Stellenbosch (South Africa), Hybrid Conference,
Situating the African Genome
Conveners: Dr. Henri Michel Yéré, Sociology, University of Basel, Switzerland; Dr. Mavis Machirori, Policy Ethics, Ada Lovelace Institute, London, UK; Dr. Lauren Paremoer, Political Science, University of Cape Town, South Africa; Prof. Katharina Schramm, Anthropology, University of Bayreuth, Germany. In collaboration with STIAS (Stellenbosch), and Point Sud (Bamako).

21-26 March 2022 in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Hybrid Conference,
Politics and Armed Conflict in Africa: Bringing the Peasantry Back to the Center of the Debate
Conveners: Dr. Mahamadou Bassirou Tangara, Development Economy, University of Social Sciences and Management of Bamako, Mali; Prof. Baz Lecocq, African History, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany; Dr. Aymar Nyenyezi Bisoka, Political Science, University of Mons, Belgium ; Dr. Zakaria Soré, Sociology, University Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; Dr. Lamine Savané, Political Science, University of Segou, Mali; Dr. Gillian Mathys, History, University of Gent, Belgium. In collaboration with the University Joseph Ki-Zerbo (Ouagadougou) and Point Sud (Bamako).

14-17 December 2022 in Accra, Ghana, Hybrid Conference
Reframing Youth Politics and Citizenship in the Era of COVID-19 in Africa
Conveners: Prof. Akosua Adomako Ampofo, Sociology/Gender Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana; Prof. Dzodzi Tsikata, Sociology/Gender Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana; Dr. Peggy Piesche, Literature/Cultural Studies, Federal Agency for Civil Education (bpb), Berlin, Germany; Prof. Alcinda Honwana, Anthropology, New York. In collaboration with the Institute for African Studies at the University of Ghana, (Legon) and Point Sud (Bamako).

14-18 February 2023 in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Hybrid Conference
Afrotopia(s) – Emerging Futures in Arts, Politics and Religion
Conveners: Dr. Magnus Echtler, Anthropology, University of Leipzig, Germany; Prof. Antje Daniel, Sociology, University of Vienna, Austria; Dr. Melina C. Kalfelis, Anthropology, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Germany; Dr. Samuel Ndogo, African Literature/Performing Arts, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya; Dr. F. Emilie G. Sanon-Ouattara, Anglophone Studies/Translation, Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. In collaboration with the INSS-CRNST (Ouagadougou) and Point Sud (Bamako).

Programme 2020

2-6 September 2021 in Accra (Ghana), Virtual Conference,
The Grammar of the Spirit World in Pentecostalized Africa
Conveners: Prof. Wilhelm Graeb (Humboldt University Berlin & Stellenbosch University); Dr. Hermen Kroesbergen (University of Pretoria); Dr. Vanessa Rau (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Goettingen & Humboldt University Berlin); Josiah Taru (Great Zimbabwe University, Mashvingo); Philipp Oehlmann (Humboldt University Berlin & University of Pretoria). In collaboration with the Institute for African Studies at the University of Ghana, IAS (Legon/Accra) and Point Sud (Bamako).

27 September -2 October 2021 in Niamey (Niger), Hybrid Conference,
The Islamic Education System in Sub-Saharan Africa. A Journey through Politics and Religion
Conveners: Dr. Abdoulaye Sounaye (Centre for Modern Orient, ZMO, Berlin & LASDEL Niamey); Dr. Issouf Binaté (University Alassane Ouattara, Bouaké); Prof. Marie Nathalie LeBlanc (University of Québec, Montréal); Dr. Zakaria Soré (University Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou). In collaboration with the Study and Research Laboratory on Social Dynamics and Local Development, LASDEL (Niamey) and Point Sud (Bamako).

17-19 November 2021 in Dakar (Senegal), Hybrid Conference,
Struggles for ‘Democracy’ in Africa – Encountering Researchers and Activists from the Global North and South
Conveners: Dr. Nina-Kathrin Wienkoop (German Center for Migration and Integration Studies (DeZIM) e.V., Berlin); Dr. Sabrina Zajak (Ruhr-University Bochum); Prof. Antje Daniel (University of Vienna); Dr. Louisa Prause (Free University Berlin); Dr. Lamine Doumbia (German Historical Institute Paris & UCAD II, Dakar). In collaboration with the University Cheikh Anta Diop (Dakar) and Point Sud (Bamako).

1-4 December 2021 in Bamako (Mali), Hybrid Conference,
Mobility and Displacement in ‘Post-Slavery’ West Africa: A South-South-North Dialogue on Concepts, Conflicts and Civic Engagement
Conveners: Dr. Lotte Pelckmans (Copenhagen University); Dr. Paolo Gaibazzi (University of Bayreuth). In collaboration with Point Sud (Bamako).

11-13 May 2022 in Stellenbosch (South Africa), Hybrid Conference,
Science as a Site of Inequality: An Exploratory Workshop for Sharing Evidence and Experience from Environment-Related Research Fields
Conveners: Dr. Susanne Koch (Technical University of Munich); Prof. Nelius Boshoff (Stellenbosch University). In collaboration with the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study, STIAS (Stellenbosch) and Point Sud (Bamako).

27 June-3 July 2022 in Dakar (Senegal),
Mutants Assembly: From Goree to Sebikotane – A Pan-African Future between Afro-Utopia and Afro-Nostalgia
Conveners: Prof. Felwine Sarr (Université Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis); Prof. Katharina Schramm (University of Bayreuth); Oulimata Gueye (Le Lieu Unique, Nantes); Dr. Julien McHardy (Leuven) Julien McHardy (Leuphana University Lueneburg); Mamadou Sy (University El Hadji Ibrahima Niass); Marion Louisgrand-Sylla (Ker Thiössane, Dakar); Hamedine Kane (Brussels/Dakar); Stéphane Verlet-Bottéro (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris). In collaboration with Ker Thiössane (Dakar) and Point Sud (Bamako).

7-10 September 2022 in Niamey (Niger), Hybrid Conference
Africa in the Age of Renewal: New Forms of Linguistic, Cultural and Political Expression of Citizens’ Movements
Conveners: Prof. Ute Fendler, Literature, University of Bayreuth, Germany; Dr. Hamani Oumarou, Anthropology, LASDEL, Niamey, Niger; Prof. Jaouad Serghini, Literature, Mohammed I University, Oujda, Morocco. In collaboration with LASDEL (Niamey) and Point Sud (Bamako).

Programme 2019

16th-19th May 2019 in Dakar (Senegal),
Dynamics of Everyday Life within Municipal Administrations in Francophone and Anglophone Africa
Conveners: Dr. Matthew Sabbi, Development Sociology (University of Bayreuth); Dr. Lamine Doumbia, Anthropology (DHIP-Paris/CREPOS-Dakar/University of Bayreuth); Prof. Dieter Neubert, Sociology (University of Bayreuth). In collaboration with UCAD and CREPOS Dakar and Point Sud Bamako. PDF Report

8th-10th August 2019 in Accra (Ghana),
Gender and Judging in Pluralistic Societies: A Comparative Assessment of Access to Justice for Women in Africa
Conveners: Prof. Aram Ziai, Development Policy and Postcolonial Studies (University of Kassel); Prof. Akosua Adomako Ampofo, African Studies and Sociology (Institute for African Studies, Accra); Prof. Josephine Jarpa Dawuni, Political Science (Howard University, Washington); Prof. Lydia Apori Nkansah, Law (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi). In collaboration with IAS Accra and Point Sud Bamako. PDF Report

19th-24st August 2019 in Accra (Ghana),
Translating the Square Kilometer Array: A Dialogue on Methodological Challenges, Interdisciplinary Area Studies and Technological Artifacts
Conveners: Dr. Bernard Duah Asabere, Ghana Space Science and Technology Institute (GSSTI); Dr. Nana Ama Klutse Browne, GSSTI; Dr. James Okwe Chibueze, African Very Long Baseline Interferometry Network (Square Kilometer Array South Africa); Dr. Susann Ludwig, Anthropology (University of Leipzig); Dr. James Merron, Soziology (University of Basel). In collaboration with IAS and GSSTI in Accra and Point Sud Bamako. PDF Report

9th-13th September 2019 in Maputo (Mozambique),
Qualitative Approaches to Teaching Research and Development in International Discourse: Disconcertment and Convergence
Conveners: Prof. Maria Hallitzky, Didactic and School Pedagogy (University of Leipzig); Prof. Felix Mulhanga, Pedagogy and Reform Pedagogy (University of Pedagogy Mozambique); Prof. Nariakira Yoshida, Pedagogy and Curriculum Research (University of Hiroshima). In collaboration with the University of Pedagogy in Mozambique, the Centre of African Studies in Maputo and Point Sud Bamako. PDF Report

2nd-6th October 2019 in Bamako (Mali),
Local Narratives and Debates on the Experience of Migration and Return: Spoken and Unspoken
Conveners: Prof. Mamadou Diawara, Anthropology (Goethe University Frankfurt/Main); Dr. Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye, Anthropology (CNRS/IMAF, Paris & Point Sud-Bamako); Dr. Kelly Poulet, Sociology (University Picardie Jules Verne Amiens); Dr. Fodié Tandjigora, Sociology (University of Bamako). In collaboration with Point Sud Bamako. PDF Report

Pilot African Postgraduate Academy (PAPA)

The Pilot African Postgraduate Academy (PAPA), financed by Gerda Henkel Foundation, targets early career scholars who have recently accomplished their doctoral theses and who are based at Universities in Africa. The goal is to foster among them a commitment to the value of scholarship for its own sake, cultivate their interest in conceptual understanding and promote an orientation towards the use of knowledge acquired in Africa to contribute to the further development of science in general.

Read morePilot African Postgraduate Academy (PAPA)

SIPRI – Central Mali Project for Security and Development

The three-year project aims to monitor governance, security and development indicators and trends through quantitative and qualitative surveys conducted in Mali’s central regions of Mopti and Ségou. Although much of the early attention to Mali’s security crisis centered around the Northern zones, the Centre has quickly become a hotbed of instability with the emergence of several armed and jihadist groups, ongoing conflicts between pastoralist herders and sedentary farmers, and developmental challenges as a result of instability.

To better understand these issues in depth through a “bottom-up” approach, the project combines the expertises of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and POINT SUD and a mixed research methodology (quantitative and qualitative). By implementing a robust monitoring framework based on Security and Development Indicators (SDIs) tracked every three months through survey questionnaires to a representative sample of the population in the two regions of Segou and Mopti. Every six months, the project is including additional thematic and adaptive questions and supplement the monitoring research with focus groups and qualitative studies in areas of interest. The three-year project “Mali-Centre for Security and Development” is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and its partner, POINT SUD.

Contact: Dr Gregory Chauzal,

Article Central Mali: Violence, local perspectives and diverging narratives

Recherche actuelle

Projets collectifs

CHAMPS: Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance Network / Le Réseau de la Surveillance de la Santé Infantile et de la Prévention de Mortalité

Projet financé par Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

L’objectif général du Réseau CHAMPS est de fournir des données précises, opportunes, et fiables sur la santé de l’enfant, sur les causes de la survenue des décès chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans. Un aspect unique de CHAMPS est la collecte des échantillons de tissu des enfants décédés récemment par des pathologistes. Bien que ce sujet soit délicat, il est crucial de déterminer les causes de la mort d’enfants pour informer la politique et les décisions des programmes qui visent à réduire la mortalité infantile. À cette fin, cette recherche formative vise à évaluer la faisabilité (par exemple, l’acceptabilité, la pratique, et la mise en œuvre et les considérations éthiques de la surveillance la santé de l’enfant, de la mortalité infantile dans les contextes culturels, sociaux, religieux et géographiques différents).

La recherche formative est l’occasion d’explorer et de documenter les perceptions et représentations sur la grossesse, la naissance, la santé, la maladie et la mort et tout ce qui est dit sur ces situations et événements de la vie en général et particulièrement celle de l’enfant avec un accent sur la triade : naissance, santé et mort (birth, health and death). Une équipe de Point Sud assure la gestion technique de la phase formative.

Point Sud est partenaire du Centre de développement des vaccins au Mali (CVD-Mali).

Participant-e-s Point Sud : Prs : Mamadou Diawara, Tiéman Diarra, Moussa Sissoko, Issa Fofana, Yacouba Dogoni, Bakary F Traoré, et Moriba Sissoko

NIMIK: Nouvelles perspectives sur les migrations dans et depuis la région de Kayes/ New insights into migrations in Kayes (2018-2019)

Projet financé par la coopération suédoise, piloté par l’IRD, dont Point Sud est partenaire.

L’objectif du projet est d’identifier l’émergence de nouveaux phénomènes migratoires à partir d’enquêtes sur la région de Kayes. La mobilité vers d’autres pays d’Afrique et d’autres destinations, notamment l’Europe, depuis cette région a fait l’objet de nombreux travaux dont il s’agira de faire un bilan critique. Le projet s’attache à déceler à partir de ce terrain singulier les changements en cours. Il réunit une équipe d’une dizaine de chercheuses et de chercheurs, économistes, statisticiens, géographes, sociologistes et anthropologues, basés en France et au Mali.

Point Sud est mobilisé pour l’axe 2 qui  examine les dynamiques familiales liées à la migration et s’intéresse à l’émergence possible de nouvelles configurations migratoires, notamment la migration autonome des femmes. Cet axe est coordonné par Nehara Feldman (anthropologue, Université de Picardie) associée à Joanne Le Bars (géographe, post-doc) et Nassima Guilal (étudiante en master de l’Université de Picardie).

Participant-e-s Point Sud : Mbaré Fofana, Mariam Sissoko, Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye.

Projets individuels

  1. L’effectivité du droit de l’environnement dans le secteur minier au Mali. Mbaye Mbathé (Droit), USJP de Bamako.
  2. Economie transfrontalière et développement local participatif : La contribution de la filière de l’anacarde au développement de la zone Sikasso-Korhogo et Bobo-Dioulasso dans un contexte de coopération transfrontalière. Yacouba Dogoni, Institut supérieur de formation de recherche Appliquée (ISFRA), Encadreurs : Prs. SISSOKO Moussa et NIANG Abdoulaye (Sociologie)
  3. Impacts des stratégies de développement sur les exploitations agricoles au Mali : Adoption des variétés améliorées de riz en zone Office du Niger. Yacouba Sangaré, Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis (Sénégal), Encadreur: Pr. FOUNANOU Mathurin.
  4. Forme urbaine et mobilité des individus à Bamako, Issa Togola, Université Félix d’Houphouët Boigny à Abidjan (RCI). Encadreur : Pr ALOKO N’GUESSAN Jérôme
  5. La mobilité in situ : les débats locaux sur l’émigration et le retour dans l’Ouest du Mali. Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye, Bourse Marie Skłodowska-Curie. Point Sud, Bamako & CNRS, France, Institut des mondes africains, financé par le programme pour la recherche et l’innovation Horizon 2020 de l’Union Européenne (projet n°749223). Resumé

Other research projects

“Point Sud – Strengthening Local Knowledge” analyzes the interactions between local knowledge and practices, and global or national projects of modernization and state construction. Point Sud particularly supports research on cultural assumptions of local knowledge and its responses to local, national and global dynamics. The institution has been working on projects of agricultural development, health care, migration and the process of decentralisation.

Point Sud sponsors individual research projects that bring together scholars from around the world and it grants study and research scholarships to young African researchers.

The primary objective of these investigations is to develop a middle range theory that analyzes basic data and creates a successful dialogue between academic disciplines closely related in the field. Therefore, the systematic collection of oral traditions and other oral accounts is the focal point of the institute’s research projects. For this reason, Point Sud emphasizes field research.  Each researcher is required to spend at least a third of his time in the field.


Collective projects

CHAMPS: Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance Network
Funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Partner : Centre de développement des vaccins au Mali (CVD-Mali)
Participants at Point Sud : Prs : Mamadou Diawara, Tiéman Diarra, Moussa Sissoko, Issa Fofana, Yacouba Dogoni, Bakary F Traoré, et Moriba Sissoko

New insights into migrations in Kayes (2018-2019)
Funded by the Swedish cooperation
Participants at Point Sud : Mbaré Fofana, Mariam Sissoko, Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye


Individual research projects

  1. L’effectivité du droit de l’environnement dans le secteur minier au Mali. Mbaye Mbathé (Law), PhD thesis, USJP de Bamako.
  2. Economie transfrontalière et développement local participatif : La contribution de la filière de l’anacarde au développement de la zone Sikasso-Korhogo et Bobo-Dioulasso dans un contexte de coopération transfrontalière. Yacouba Dogoni, PhD thesis, Institut supérieur de formation de recherche Appliquée (ISFRA), Encadreurs : Prs. SISSOKO Moussa et NIANG Abdoulaye (Sociology).
  3. Impacts des stratégies de développement sur les exploitations agricoles au Mali : Adoption des variétés améliorées de riz en zone Office du Niger. Yacouba Sangaré, PhD thesis, Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis (Sénégal), Encadreur: Pr. FOUNANOU Mathurin (Economist).
  4. Forme urbaine et mobilité des individus à Bamako, Issa Togola, PhD thesis, Université Félix d’Houphouët Boigny à Abidjan (RCI). Encadreur : Pr ALOKO N’GUESSAN Jérôme (Geography)
  5. Mobility in situ: Debating emigration and return in Western Mali (MOBILIMA).Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye (Point Sud, Bamako & CNRS, France, Institut des mondes africains) Abstract